Graduates of Theology and Religious Studies discuss the value of their degrees for their work in law, in business management, in mediation, and as a best-selling author of young adult fiction.
Graduate videos
David Nussbaum, chief executive, The Elders
David Nussbaum, chief executive of The Elders, an independent group of global leaders working together for peace, justice and human rights, speaks about the value of his degree in Theology for his current role in international politics. David is also senior independent non-executive director at Drax Group. David is a former chief executive officer of WWF-UK; former finance director and deputy chief executive officer of Oxfam; and former chair of Traidcraft.
Skills for Careers in TV, PR, Charities, Political Policy, Communications
A compilation of interviews with graduates of Theology and Religious Studies in the UK. They discuss how the skills learned in their degrees feed into careers including television production, public relations, charity management, political policy, and communications.